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18 Dec - All Chambers Eastern Seaboard Christmas Networking Event Hosted by BeLuThai

  • Friday, December 18, 2015
  • 18:00 - 21:00
  • Party Ground, Amari Ocean Pattaya, 3rd Floor


  • Open to any employee of an AustCham member company. To register for website access please go to the 'member info' tab on the AustCham home page and select 'apply for website access'. Members may register guests at the non-member price.
  • For those who are not members of the chamber and not employed by an AustCham member company. You may register additional guests.
  • For those who are not members of the chamber and not employed by an AustCham member company. You may register additional guests.
  • While our strong preference is that each employee of an AustCham member company create their own log-in to book for events, we recognise there are events such Sundowners where one company may wish to place a single booking for multiple employees. Contact us for the code to unlock this booking option.


All Chambers Eastern Seaboard Christmas Networking Event Hosted by BeLuThai - Friday 18 December 2015


AustCham is delighted to invite members and friends of all foreign chambers and business associations in Thailand to join Eastern Seaboard Sundowners organised by BeLuThai held in conjunction with all chambers at Amari Pattaya who will be hosting a spectacular evening for All Chambers Eastern Seaboard Networking event featuring all your favourites from the festive season. It will be a great opportunity for members of all chambers to meet, network and exchange views in a social environment.


Please come to celebrate pre-Christmas time together in the city of Eastern Seaboard!

**Please note that at the event, the registration will be done by BeLuThai, thus, payment in cash at the event only. 

Event Details


Friday 18 December 2015


6.00pm - 9.00pm (Last drinks served at 8.30pm)


Baht 400 for members of the chambers that appear on logos

Baht 850 for non-members


Party Ground, Amari Ocean Pattaya, 3rd Floor


AustCham Thailand

20th Floor, Thai CC Tower
43 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120 Thailand
BTS: Surasak
Tel. +66 2 210 0216-8
Fax. +66 2 675 6696
E-mail: office@austchamthailand.com
Web: www.austchamthailand.com

Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce

18th Floor, Unit 1805, Empire Tower,

1, South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand 10120

Tel: +66 2 079 1815  ·   office@austchamthailand.com

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