"After one month as your new Executive Director, I thought it was timely to touch base.
The last month has flown by and I have been sincerely grateful for the warm welcome received, in particular, from the many members who have taken the time to share their experiences, insights and thoughts so willingly. My door is always open and I welcome any opportunity to take on board feedback and listen to ideas from members.
This week saw AustCham host Sundowners at the Siam@Siam Hotel. Preceding Sundowners, Sam McMahon and his team from NS BlueScope (Thailand) gave a great presentation on their in-house trade training programme. The achievements of NS BlueScope (Thailand) in this area is a great example of how an investment in training can be an investment in good business over both the short and long term. Sam has kindly provided the Chamber Office with a copy of the presentation which we will make available to members who were not able to attend the presentation.
In addition to the regular schedule of Sundowners events, the coming months will see the Chamber run a series of events as part of the Asian Business Engagement Plan sponsored by Austrade. This will include sector specific forums as well as case studies to demonstrate the achievements of Australian business in Thailand. We also plan to run business and professional seminars in the hour before each Sundowners - upcoming topics include leadership development in May and a trade presentation by the Australian Ambassador to Laos in June. If there is a topic or issue you would like to see addressed in these seminars, please let me know.
I am looking forward to the rest of the year and to working with the Board and membership to ensure your Chamber Office continues to provide the services and activities to support your business interests. "