15 May - Joint Auto Council Committee Meeting hosted by AMCHAM

  • Friday, May 15, 2015
  • 14:00 - 18:00
  • Hilton Pattaya, Seaboard 2, 17th Floor


  • Free for AustCham members

Registration is closed

Joint Auto Council/ Eastern Seaboard Committee Meeting & Networking hosted by AMCHAM - 15 May 2015

AustCham is delighted to invite our members and members of British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT), German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC), South African Chamber (SATCC) and The Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce (BeluThai) to participate in a joint Auto Council and Eastern Seaboard Committee Meeting and the Eastern Seaboard Networking hosted by AMCHAM.

Event details
Friday 15 May 2015
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Cost: Free of charge for AustCham, BCCT, GTCC, SATCC and BeluThai members
Location: Hilton Pattaya, Seaboard 2, 17th Floor
Bookings and Further Information: Click here for further information and bookings, or click "register" below

AustCham Thailand

20th Floor, Thai CC Tower
43 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120 Thailand
BTS: Surasak
Tel. +66 2 210 0216-8
Fax. +66 2 675 6696
E-mail: office@austchamthailand.com
Web: www.austchamthailand.com