21 JUL - The Site Visit U-tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport and AirAsia Lounge

  • Friday, July 21, 2017
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • U-Tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport
  • 0


  • This type of booking can be made by only one employee of AustCham Member. If you want to register more guests from same company please select "Multiple registrations from the same member company"
  • While our strong preference is that each employee of an AustCham member company create their own log-in to book for events, we recognise there are events such Sundowners where one company may wish to place a single booking for multiple employees. Contact us for the code to unlock this booking option.
  • **Please states from which Chamber you are in a comment box when booking**

The Australian - Thai Chamber of Commerce (AustCham) in collaboration with AMCHAM (American Chamber in Thailand), BCCT (British Chamber of Commerce Thailand), GTCC (German-Thai Chamber of Commerce) and SATCC (South African Thai Chamber of Commerce) would like to invite members and guests to attend a site visit at the new U-Tapao International Airport, including  the introduction briefing thereof. This is to take place on Friday 21st July 2017 between 14.00-16.00 hrs with the number of participants being between 40-50 people.

Significantly, the main objectives for this event are to study the new service, infrastructure and facilities of Thailand’s new international airport and to distribute this knowledge throughout foreign communities. Due to the fact that any updates as to the current “Thailand 4.0”, the transportation system will become a key issue for Australian investors who are working in Thailand including the new comers.  

The agendas include;

  • Briefing or presentation from U-Tapao International Airport
  • Immigration service system
  • Securities system
  • Operational management and
  • Visiting and studying AirAsia Lounge and professional services

Event details:

Date: Friday, 21 July 2017

Time: 14.00-16.00hrs (**Registration at 13.30hrs**)

Cost:  Free of Charge 

(**AustCham Member and Partner Chambers member only; limit of two people per member company**)

**Direct booking to AustCham**

Venue:   U-Tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport

Phla, Ban Chang District, Rayong 21130 

Security Request:    Copy of passport or copy of ID card

Limited No:  50 People (on a basis of first come first serve) 

Transportation: THB500 / person 

**Depart Bangkok at 11.00hrs** (Round trip from Bangkok – U Tha Pao Airport for Site Visit, attending the ESB Sundowners at Avani Pattaya and return to Bangkok on the same day)

**Booking can be made by sending an email to Khun Chanakarn at chanakarn@austchamthailand.com**