18 Oct - Multi-Chambers Panel Discussion: A Strong Baht and Economic Uncertainty

  • Friday, October 18, 2019
  • 16:30
  • Holiday Inn Pattaya

The Baht continues to outperform other regional currencies, with no indication of weakening any time soon, and manufacturers and service providers in Thailand are feeling the impact. On October 18th, prior to the Multi-Chambers Eastern Seaboard Networking, panelists John Evans of Tractus Asia, and Chris Bruton of Dataconsult will discuss the effects of the current foreign exchange situation on manufacturing and other service sectors, and future outlook.

AMCHAM is pleased to invite you to join “The Strong Baht & Economic Uncertainty: Outlook and Impact for Thailand and its Neighbors", in partnership with the Manufacturing Focus Group, AustCham, BCCT, and GTCC.

About the Panelists:

John Evans is co-founder and Managing Director of Tractus Asia, a leading strategic advisory firm with offices throughout the Asia-Pacific region, providing both public and private sector trade and investment assistance. Since 1995, John has has advised on more than US$ 5 billion in trade and investment transactions across a wide variety of sectors, John has authored several chapters of a Handbook for Setting-Up Business in China and frequently writes articles, gives lectures, and is interviewed on trade and foreign direct investment trends and doing business in Asia.

Chris Bruton has been resident in Thailand for 50 years, with previous experience in the UK, France and Malaysia. For two years he was active in the London Inter-bank money market, followed by management with the Haw Par Group of Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand in merchant banking, and subsequently mining and real estate development. He currently operates the Thailand Regional Forum and is a regular series editor of the weekly feature “Human Resource Watch” for the Bangkok Post. He graduated at the London School of Economics and Political Science with postgraduate qualifications in human resource management.

About the Moderator:

David Nardone is Group Executive Industrial and International, Executive Director, and CEO at WHA Industrial Development Public Company Limited, Thailand's leading industrial estates. Over the last 25 years, David has worked with most of the major U.S. and international manufacturing companies operating in Thailand, and has spent a combined total of 14 years serving on the AMCHAM Board of Governors.

Date: Friday 18 October 2019

Time: 4:30 pm  

Venue: Holiday Inn Pattaya

Cost: Free admission for members of AMCHAM and participating Chambers & Associations with advance registration. 300 Baht for non-members and walk-ins.