6 NOV - AustCham's Small Business & Entrepreneur (SB&E) Showcase

  • Wednesday, November 06, 2019
  • 16:30 - 18:00
  • Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse


  • This type of booking can be made by only one employee of AustCham Member. If you want to register more guests from same company please select "Multiple registrations from the same member company"
  • While our strong preference is that each employee of an AustCham member company create their own log-in to book for events, we recognise there are events such Sundowners where one company may wish to place a single booking for multiple employees. Contact us for the code to unlock this booking option.
  • This type of registration is for non-members who also attend October Sundowners
  • *Registration code for Australian Alumni members can be retrieved at http://australianalumni.com/events

AustCham Thailand’s Small Business & Entrepreneur (SB&E) Committee extends an invitation to the Australian-Thai business community to visit its inaugural Small Business & Entrepreneur (SB&E) Showcase on Wednesday 6th November; 16.30-18.00 at Bangkok Marriott The Surawongse Hotel.

The SB&E Showcase is an opportunity for our Small Business & Entrepreneur members to display, present and demonstrate their products and services to the wider business community – in short, and in true Australian spirit, it’s a great chance to support the ‘little guy’.

Join us to learn more about the various SB&E member businesses, the products & service they have to offer, and how they can support your business.

Our venue sponsor, Bangkok Marriott The Surawongse Hotel will be serving coffee and tea in the stunning courtyard area where the SB&E Showcase will be held.

Please see the list of SB&E Companies:

Event details

Date:  Wednesday 6 November 2019

Time:  16.30 – 18.00 hrs


    Free of charge for AustCham members, Australian alumni members** as well as non-members also attending Sundowners

    **For Australian Alumni members, registration code can be retrieved at http://australianalumni.com/events 

    Location: Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse  null

    Transportation: BTS Chongnontri station

    **Please note that there will be November Sundowners held after the Showcase from 18.00 - 21.00 hrs. Click here for more details**


    AustCham would like to thank our sponsors for this month

    Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse

    TCC Hotel Collection Co., Ltd is operating Bangkok Marriott Hotel The Surawongse, a five-star hotel combining luxury amenities and facilities.

    The property is located on bustling Surawongse Road, considered to be the heart of old Bangkok, and offers a variety of unique amenities for a distinctive Bangkok experience.
