AustCham Thailand invites members to join a webinar on “Education with borders: Realising the opportunity to gain a world class international education in the age of COVID19” with Dary Milani, Executive Director of International & Partnerships at the University of Newcastle (Australia) and Stephen Healy, co-founder and Managing Director of Nurture Higher Education, on Monday 18th May 2020 at 13.00 – 14.00.
With student mobility across borders restricted and an increasing sentiment amongst anxious parents to having their children study closer to home, we take a look at the what international education looks like today in a COVID19 world and what it might look like into the future in a post-pandemic world.
Dary is an international education practitioner with more than 15 years’ experience as an educator and an education leader in both the public and private sectors. A passionate advocate of international mobility, born from his own early exchange experiences, Dary’s career has taken him across countries and continents, giving him a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and global opportunities. A Londoner of Persian heritage who studied in Argentina and lives in Australia, Dary is the Executive Director of International & Partnerships at the University of Newcastle (Australia).
Stephen brings over 20 years of senior management and leadership experience of higher education internationalisation strategies in the public and private sectors, international student demand analysis and international student marketing and recruitment. Stephen has served INTO University Partnerships, the British Council and the University of London in where he worked with a significant number universities, bilateral and multi-lateral organisations, governments and private organisations in the UK, USA, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand.
Between 2007-16, Stephen was Executive Vice President with INTO University Partnerships, a private sector university partnering organisation. During this period, Stephen was involved in devising and executing marketing and business development strategies for international student recruitment and university partnering in the UK, USA and China as well as a range of new strategic initiatives and oversight of Group educational ventures. Stephen served on INTO’s Board of Directors between 2008-2014.
Event Details:
Date: Monday 18th May 2020
Time: 13.00 - 14.00 hrs.
To register in advance for this webinar:
Pre-registration and authentication is required to attend, and please ensure you have signed up for your own personal or business account with ZOOM (it’s free to sign up)
Please note: AustCham Thailand is recording this webinar session and may make the recorded version of the webinar (including all audio and visual elements) accessible to AustCham members via the Resources page of our website.