Focus on Communications! AustCham’s new website launch and communications strategies in changing business environment
Join AustCham Members, Lexicon Business Communications, as we launch AustCham’s new website, an important tool for how we deliver our membership benefits, and discuss communications strategies in this constantly changing business environment.
Lexicon is a Bangkok-based digital marketing company specializing in connecting firms in Thailand with the right audience. We fit in wherever there’s a gap in your company. From outsourcing your whole digital marketing operation to assisting with your branding, audience research, content writing, graphic design, multimedia creation, and social media marketing.
Event Details:
Date: Friday 19th June 2020
Time: 13.00 - 13.30 hrs.
To register in advance for this webinar:
Pre-registration and authentication is required to attend, and please ensure you have signed up for your own personal or business account with ZOOM (it’s free to sign up)
Please note: AustCham Thailand is recording this webinar session and may make the recorded version of the webinar (including all audio and visual elements) accessible to AustCham members via the Resources page of our website.