AustCham Thailand invites members to attend a site visit at NS BlueScope (Thailand) Limited (Rayong Factory). NS Bluescope recently launched its new metal coating line and this tour will provide a great opportunity to see the results of their strong commitment to ongoing investments and innovative workforce training initiatives.
- 12.30 – 13.30: Lunch and registration in NS Bluescope Rayong training center.
- 13.30 – 14.00: Safety induction and company introduction + PPE set up
- 14.00 – 15.30: Site tour to include training centre, visitors centre and factory.
- 15.30 - Exit plant: Refreshment at plant exit.Travel to ESB Networking event.
- 21.00 – AustCham transport returns to Bangkok.
Please note that tour members will need to wear trousers + long sleeve shirt and covered shoes to access the plant. Safety helmet and hi visibility vest will be provided.
Due to security reason this tour is limited to a maximum of 30 persons.
Current site requirement require any visitors that have entered Thailand from overseas must fully follow and complete the Thailand Ministry of Health advice (state quarantine or alternative quarantine 14 days). Persons who feel flu like symptoms are not permitted on site and are asked to please declare your symptom to your escort. There is a temperature check for all persons who entering the site. We thank you for your understanding in this regard.
Event Details:
Date: Friday 25th September 2020
Time: 12.30 - 15.30 hrs.
Location: NS Bluescope Rayong 
Transportation: AustCham will provide transportation to NS Bluescope Rayong leaving the AustCham office at 10.00. For booking, please contact Khun Chanakarn ( Chanakarn@austchamthailand.com ) or Khun Pattamaporn ( pattamaporn@austchamthailand.com)
AustCham would like to thank;

NS BlueScope (Thailand) Limited, a joint venture between BlueScope and Nippon Steel&Sumitomo Metals Corporation, is a leader in quality coated steel products (Colorbond®/Zincalume®) and innovative steel solutions such as Lysaght® Roofing/Walling, EnduroFrame® Residential House Frames & Ranbuild® Sheds. The company began manufacturing in Thailand in 1988, and has grown to become the number one coated steel supplier and number one steel building solutions provider in Thailand. The company operates three businesses in Thailand. All are joint ventures with Loxley Public Company Limited.
NS BlueScope (Thailand) Limited represents an eight billion baht investment to serve the Thai building, construction and manufacturing industries with locally produced, international quality, metallic coated and painted steel coil.
NS BlueScope Lysaght (Thailand) Limited was founded in 1988 to provide the Thai Building and Construction Industry with international quality steel building components and complete 'turn key' building solutions.