In the last few years, we have witnessed the growth and expansion of smart city around the world – Australia and Thailand included. While the definition of a smart city is still evolving, it is evident that the smart city deploys information and communication technologies to enhance service levels, citizen well-being, sustainability, and economic development. The smart city also induces the stream of investment in infrastructure into the city – digital and non-digital – hence providing economic and employment opportunity for all involved.
For Thailand, the smart city initiative is part of the Digital Thailand agenda, supported by Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) and alliances via the guidance of the leadership of the National Smart City Committee. In this Forum, participants will get to know the insight of Smart City development in Thailand by President/CEO of depa and learn city best practices from both country representatives.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday 30th September, 2020
Time: 17.30 - 20.30 hrs.
Topic: “Smart City: Strengthening Partnerships for a Smart Future”
500 THB for Australian Alumni members* & AustCham Members
800 for non-Members
*Includes cocktail style food & beverages*
*For registration code for Australian Alumni members, please contact AustCham team at 02 109 9616 or email to
Limited spaces, please book early to avoid disappointment
Location: Floor 5, Regency Ballroom I, Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit
AustCham event policy:
AustCham would like to thank; Australian Embassy Thailand
Australia Global Alumni
Australian Alumni Thailand
This event is supported by:
Thai-Australian Technological Services Center (TATSC) Australian Alumni Association (Thailand)