15 JUL - AustCham Thailand Webinar on "Enhancing Mental Wellbeing in a Changing World"

  • Thursday, July 15, 2021
  • 10:30 - 11:00
  • ZOOM Online

As the Covid-19 global pandemic continues, we find ourselves looking for ways to cope with this unpredictable challenge. The pandemic has changed the way we live, work, think and function and has put a huge amount of strain on healthcare systems, governments, businesses, societies, family units and individuals.

With it has come a mental health pandemic, more silent and, possibly, longer lasting. Results of a national health survey on pandemic behaviours in Thailand, published in 2021, showed that as the covid-19 pandemic developed, people had a reduced sense of control, highlighting an increase in anxiety in the population.

In this presentation, we will look at what happens to the body when one is exposed to stress. We’ll also look at complementary medicine, dietary and lifestyle solutions to: address common symptoms associated with stress, improve one’s resilience to stress and enhance mental health and wellbeing.

      Event Details:

      Date: Thursday 15 July 2021

      Time: 10.30 - 11.00 hrs.


      • Brett Friedman – Learning Designer – Blackmores Institute

      Brett Friedman is a Healthcare Professional Trainer, Educator and Learning Designer with Blackmores Institute. After completing his MSc in Medicine in South Africa, he moved to New Zealand where he worked in the complementary medicines industry for 6 years. In 2005, Brett moved to Australia where he completed his studies in nutritional medicine and took up a position as academic manager of a natural medicine college in Perth. In 2014, he moved to Switzerland and continued his work as an independent consultant in the complementary medicines industry. In 2019, he returned to Australia to join Blackmores Institute. Brett is passionate about complementary medicines, and besides his current role as educator and learning designer, he co-authors discussion papers on current issues facing the complementary medicines industry.

          • Free of charge for AustCham members.

          • 500 THB for non-members

          Location: ZOOM online

          To register in advance for this webinar:


          Pre-registration and authentication is required to attend, and please ensure you have signed up for your own personal or business account with ZOOM (it’s free to sign up)

          Please note:  AustCham Thailand is recording this webinar session and will make the recorded version of the webinar (including all audio and visual elements) accessible to AustCham members via the Resources page of our website.

          Payment and Cancellation policy:
          • Advance payment is required to confirm your registration and if payment not made 24 hours before event, your place will be passed on to the waiting list. 
          • Free cancellation within 24 hours before the event and payments are refundable or transferred to next event’s credit.
          • Cancellations received less than 24 hours (1 days) and no-shows are NOT able to receive neither a refund nor credit. For those who haven’t paid will be charged with invoice unconditionally.

          AustCham Thailand would like to thank;

          Blackmores Thailand

          The company we now know as Blackmores started in Queensland in the 1930s. It was the vision and passion of Australia's pioneering naturopath, Maurice Blackmore, a man who would be truly proud that Blackmores today is Australia's most trusted name in natural healthcare.

          Since day one, Blackmores has taken a long-term, holistic approach to health. Our philosophies run deep and the values that guided Blackmores back in the 1930s continue to be at the heart of what we do today.

          The quest for optimum health requires a never-ending pursuit of reliable and trusted information. We recognise that every day you make choices about your health and wellbeing and we want you to be in the best position to make the right decisions.
