ANZAC Day and Visit to Wat Phu Takian Kindergarten

  • Thursday, April 24, 2014
  • 08:30
  • Friday, April 25, 2014
  • Kanchanaburi/Hellfire Pass
  • 4


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • You will have the option of selecting a single or double room, full or partial transportation program, and lunch on 25 April (note lunch is compulsory for those on the full transport program). Multiple room/transport bookings may be made by adding 'guest' bookings.

AustCham is pleased to invite members to attend the ANZAC Day remembrance service at Hellfire Pass, Kanchanaburi. Prior to the remembrance service, we will visit the AustCham community service beneficiary, Wat Phu Takian Kindergarten. More details about accommodation and transport options can be located and booked via our website.

The ANZAC Day trip is always well attended and members interested in participating are encouraged to book as soon as possible as space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Please contact Khun Chanakarn Lim for more details,

ANZAC Day Program

Thursday 24 April 2014

(timings subject to minor change and will be confirmed with participants)

08:30 hrs        

AustCham bus departs from the area in front of Thai CC Tower (AustCham Office) to Wat Phu Takian School.

REMARKS: Participants are asked to arrive promptly so as to
avoid delaying departure of the whole group.


11:30 hrs        

Arrive at Floating Restaurant (Lunch with own cost)

12:45 hrs        

Depart to Wat Phu Takian School for meeting the teachers and children, providing gifts, and presenting a cheque donation to school.

13:45 hrs       

Clown Eckie Performance Start

15:00 hrs       

Depart to River Kwai Village Hotel - check into rooms then relax for afternoon

REMARKS: Swimming pool and bar available at hotel. If there

is interest, there may be a opportunity to visit the Hellfire Pass

Memorial Museum in the afternoon.

19:30 hrs       

Dinner at own arrangements and cost (there will be tables reserved for AustCham at the hotel)

Friday 25 April 2014

04:00 hrs        

AustCham bus departs hotel for the Dawn Service at Hellfire Pass

04:30 hrs        

Walk from bus park down into Hellfire Pass

REMARKS: The AustCham bus will park with the many other

buses adjacent to the Hellfire Pass Memorial Museum. 

05:30 hrs        

Dawn Service commences

REMARKS: Long-sleeve shirt with tie is expected of officials, 

however many other attendees dispense with the tie and even the

long-sleeved shirt. If entitled to them, medals should be worn.

06:30 hrs        

Gunfire Breakfast (coffee and optional rum) adjacent to the Hellfire 

Pass Memorial Museum

REMARKS: There is limited time to inspect the museum. Shoes 

must be removed before entry.

07:00 hrs        

Return to the hotel for breakfast and to pack for departure

REMARKS: There is limited time to have breakfast (don’t forget 

the breakfast voucher), shower,  dress, pack and check out before

loading baggage onto the AustCham bus.

08:30 hrs

AustCham bus departs for War Cemetery in Kanchaburi

REMARKS: Men are expected to wear a long sleeve shirt and

tie. If entitled to them, medals should be worn.

10:00 hrs        

Memorial Wreath Laying Service commences

REMARKS: Programs and form of service will be issued. Cold water is available.

10:45 hrs

Refreshment under shady trees

REMARKS: Provided by Australian and New Zealand Embassies.

11:30 hrs        

AustCham bus departs for lunch venue

11:50 hrs        

Lunch at Keeree Tara restaurant beside the river

(Lunch must be pre-booked with AustCham)

REMARKS: BYO and purchased alcoholic drinks at individual expense. 

13:15 hrs        

AustCham bus departs for Bangkok

16:45 hrs        

Anticipated arrival back in Bangkok, AustCham office, Thai CC Tower