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3 MAR 2015 - AustCham Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • Tuesday, March 03, 2015
  • 16:30 - 18:00
  • Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, 494 Rajdamri Road (BTS: Rajdamri and Chidlom)


  • Please note this event for AustCham members only.

Registration is closed

AustCham Annual General Meeting - 3 March 2015

The Australian Thai Chamber of Commerce (AustCham) will hold its 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM) prior to our monthly Bangkok Sundowners at 16:30 on Tuesday 3 March
2015 at the Grand Hyatt Erawan, Bangkok.

The agenda will include the following: approve the 2014 AGM minutes, consider the 2014 annual report of the Board of Directors on the affairs and activities of the Chamber, consider and approve the balance sheet, elect a new Board of Directors, appoint an Auditor, consider and approve a new constitution and by-laws of the Chamber, and conduct any other business that may arise.

Motion on the constitution of the chamber
Following discussions with the Ministry of Commerce (MOC), they have requested that the Chamber submit a new constitution rather than an amended version of the existing constitution. The MoC has advised that it is unable to approve the proposed new category for Alumni/Alumnus membership as this does not fit within the scope of the existing permitted categories. The MoC has no issue with the remaining amendments to the constitution approved at the EGM on 11 December 2014. A copy of the new constitution showing the changes, which are the removal of the provisions dealing with the Alumni/Alumnus membership is attached here. An unmarked version can be viewed here. As this constitution is to be submitted as a new constitution, it must be submitted to our members for their approval. At the AGM, the members attending will be asked to consider and approve the new constitution in the following resolution: To consider and approve a new constitution and by-laws of the Chamber.
Board Directors will provide an update on the Alumni/Alumnus membership at the AGM.

If you have any questions on the Constitution, please contact Leigh Scott-Kemmis or Alan Polivnick. If you have any questions or comments on Alumni/Alumnus membership, please contact M L Laksasubha Kridakon or Josh Hyland.

All members are welcome to attend the AGM, however voting is restricted to individual ordinary members or corporate ordinary members who are listed as a primary representative. To ensure a quorum is reached it is important that voting members either attend the AGM or assign a proxy. Proxy forms can also be downloaded here. Please submit the proxy by 2 March 2015. It is important that members exercise their right to vote to ensure a quorum is reached.

2014 AGM Minutes

Please click here to download Minutes from the 2014 AGM.

Board Member nominations for 2015/16

AustCham has received 12 nominations to fill 12 positions on the AustCham Board of Directors. As such, no postal voting will take place this year prior to the AGM. Nominee profiles can be viewed here.

Event details:
Tuesday 3 March 2015
16:30 - 18:00
Cost: Free of charge (AustCham members only)
Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, 494 Rajdamri Road
BTS: Ratchadamri and Chidlom
Bookings and Further Information: Click here for further information and bookings, or click register below.

AustCham Thailand
20th Floor, Thai CC Tower
43 South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120 Thailand
Tel. +66 (0) 2210-0216-8
Fax. +66 (0) 2675-6696
E-mail: office@austchamthailand.com
Web: www.austchamthailand.com

Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce

18th Floor, Unit 1805, Empire Tower,

1, South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand 10120

Tel: +66 2 079 1815  ·   office@austchamthailand.com

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